40 Durah Street
chinchilla QLD 4413

OPEN HOUSE - Saturday, 15th of March 12:00 - 1:00pm

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A timber home, located on a large, flood free 1041m2 sandy loam allotment. I’ve been told its one of the original homes in the area, dating back to the late 1800’s. Put a dollar in, get $2 to $3 back.. This home suits an affordable entry for the first-time homeowner with the skills to renovate – perhaps the cheapest home in Chinchilla. Some building supplies provided with the home for the ongoing renovation.

Four generous bedrooms

Separate lounge and dining rooms

Modern Kitchen with electric oven

Original bathroom

Veranda facing north

Rainwater Tank

Fully fenced

Wood fire heater

Outdoor area

Garden Shed

Established shade trees & gardens

Rates/water - $1,300/ half year approx.

Inspect and Present your Offer.

Call or text Jason to arrange your inspection today - 0429 110582.

NB: Prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the accuracy of the above details.

Property Details

Property Type - House

Land Area - 1041m2

Key Features

Hot Water Electric

Fully Fenced

Water Tank


Contact Details

Get in touch with our team at First National Real Estate Surat Basin Chinchilla

Jason Gray

Director | Residential & Lifestyle Sales Specialist

0429 110 582

Please complete the enquiry form below and we will be in touch shortly

Select the open and fill in your details below, then simply show your ID to Jason at the door